"And then we noticed that they nearly always said this when they looked in.And for a long time we thought that such was the whole extent of the language, this being a people of but few ideas.To help pass away the weary hours we learned it by heart, 'Oh, look, here's a queer one!' But we never got to know what it meant.Other phrases, however, we did get the meaning of; and we even learned to read a little in man-talk.Many big signs there were, set up upon the walls; and when we saw that the keepers stopped the people from spitting and smoking, pointed to these signs angrily and read them out loud, we knew then that these writings signified, No Smoking and Don't Spit."Then in the evenings, after the crowd had gone, the same aged male with one leg of wood, swept up the peanut- shells with a broom every night.And while he was so doing he always whistled the same tune to himself.This melody we rather liked; and we learned that too by heart-- thinking it was part of the language.
"Thus a whole year went by in this dismal place.Some days new fishes were brought in to the other tanks; and other days old fishes were taken out.At first we had hoped we would only be kept here for a while, and that after we had been looked at sufficiently we would be returned to freedom and the sea.But as month after month went by, and we were left undisturbed, our hearts grew heavy within our prison-walls of glass and we spoke to one another less and less.
"One day, when the crowd was thickest in the big room, a woman with a red face fainted from the heat.I watched through the glass and saw that the rest of the people got highly excited-- though to me it did not seem to be a matter of very great importance.They threw cold water on her and carried her out into the open air.
"This made me think mightily; and presently a great idea burst uponme.
"'Sister,' I said, turning to poor Clippa who was sulking at the bottomof our prison trying to hide behind a stone from the stupid gaze of the children who thronged about our tank, 'supposing that we pretended we were sick: do you think they would take us also from this stuffy house?'
"'Brother,' said she wearily, 'that they might do.But most likely theywould throw us on a rubbish-heap, where we would die in the hot sun.'
"'But,' said I, 'why should they go abroad to seek a rubbish-heap, when the harbor is so close? While we were being brought here I saw men throwing their rubbish into the water.If they would only throw us also there, we could quickly reach the sea.'
"'The Sea!' murmured poor Clippa with a faraway look in her eyes (she had fine eyes, had my sister, Clippa).'How like a dream it sounds-- the Sea! Oh brother, will we ever swim in it again, think you? Every night as I lie awake on the floor of this evil-smelling dungeon I hear its hearty voice ringing in my ears.How I have longed for it! Just to feel it once again, the nice, big, wholesome homeliness of it all! To jump, just to jump from the crest of an Atlantic wave, laughing in the trade wind's spindrift, down into the blue-green swirling trough! To chase the shrimps on a summer evening, when the sky is red and the light's all pink within the foam! To lie on the top, in the doldrums' noonday calm, and warm your tummy in the tropic sun! To wander hand in hand once more through the giant seaweed forests of the Indian Ocean, seeking the delicious eggs of the pop-pop! To play hide-and-seek among the castles of the coral towns with their pearl and jasper windows spangling the floor of the Spanish Main! To picnic in the anemone-meadows, dim blue and lilac-gray, that lie in the lowlands beyond the South Sea Garden! To throw somersaults on the springy sponge-beds of the Mexican Gulf! To poke about among the dead ships and see what wonders and adventures lie inside!--And then, on winter nights when the Northeaster whips the water into froth, to swoop down and down to get away from the cold, down to where the water's warm and dark, down and still down, till we spy the twinkle of the fire- eels far below where our friends and cousins sit chatting round the Council Grotto--chatting, Brother, over the news and gossip of THE SEA!...Oh-- '
"And then she broke down completely, sniffling.
"'Stop it!' I said.'You make me homesick.Look here: let's pretend we're sick--or better still, let's pretend we're dead; and see what happens.If they throw us on a rubbish-heap and we fry in the sun, we'll not be much worse off than we are here in this smelly prison.What do you say? Willyou risk it?'
"'I will,' she said--'and gladly.'
"So next morning two fidgits were found by the keeper floating on the top of the water in their tank, stiff and dead.We gave a mighty good imitation of dead fish--although I say it myself.The keeper ran and got the old gentlemen with spectacles and whiskers.They threw up their hands in horror when they saw us.Lifting us carefully out of the water they laid us on wet cloths.That was the hardest part of all.If you're a fish and get taken out of the water you have to keep opening and shutting your mouth to breathe at all--and even that you can't keep up for long.And all this time we had to stay stiff as sticks and breathe silently through half-closed lips.
"Well, the old fellows poked us and felt us and pinched us till I thought they'd never be done.Then, when their backs were turned a moment, a wretched cat got up on the table and nearly ate us.Luckily the old men turned round in time and shooed her away.You may be sure though that we took a couple of good gulps of air while they weren't looking; and that was the only thing that saved us from choking.I wanted to whisper to Clippa to be brave and stick it out.But I couldn't even do that; because, as you know, most kinds of fish-talk cannot be heard--not even a shout-- unless you're under water.
"Then, just as we were about to give it up and let on that we were alive, one of the old men shook his head sadly, lifted us up and carried us out of the building.
" 'Now for it!' I thought to myself.'We'll soon know our fate: liberty or the garbage-can.'