第54章 In which Sir John Oxon finds again a trophy (1)
He had lostHis Grace of Osmonde went back to France to complete his business,and all the world knew that when he returned to England 'twould be to make his preparations for his marriage with my Lady Dunstanwolde.
It was a marriage not long to be postponed,and her ladyship herself was known already to be engaged with lacemen,linen-drapers,toyshop women,and goldsmiths.Mercers awaited upon her at her house,accompanied by their attendants,bearing burdens of brocades and silks,and splendid stuffs of all sorts.Her chariot was to be seen standing before their shops,and the interest in her purchases was so great that fashionable beauties would contrive to visit the counters at the same hours as herself,so that they might catch glimpses of what she chose.In her own great house all was repressed excitement;her women were enraptured at being allowed the mere handling and laying away of the glories of her wardrobe;the lacqueys held themselves with greater state,knowing that they were soon to be a duke's servants;her little black Nero strutted about,his turban set upon his pate with a majestic cock,and disdained to enter into battle with such pages of his own colour as wore only silver collars,he feeling assured that his own would soon be of gold.
The World of Fashion said when her ladyship's equipage drove by,that her beauty was like that of the god of day at morning,and that 'twas plain that no man or woman had ever beheld her as his Grace of Osmonde would.
"She loves at last,"a wit said."Until the time that such a woman loves,however great her splendour,she is as the sun behind a cloud.""And now this one hath come forth,and shines so that she warms us in mere passing,"said another."What eyes,and what a mouth,with that strange smile upon it.Whoever saw such before?and when she came to town with my Lord Dunstanwolde,who,beholding her,would have believed that she could wear such a look?"In sooth,there was that in her face and in her voice when she spoke which almost made Anne weep,through its strange sweetness and radiance.'Twas as if the flood of her joy had swept away all hardness and disdain.Her eyes,which had seemed to mock at all they rested on,mocked no more,but ever seemed to smile at some dear inward thought.
One night when she went forth to a Court ball,being all attired in brocade of white and silver,and glittering with the Dunstanwolde diamonds,which starred her as with great sparkling dewdrops,and yet had not the radiance of her eyes and smile,she was so purely wonderful a vision that Anne,who had been watching her through all the time when she had been under the hands of her tirewoman,and beholding her now so dazzling and white a shining creature,fell upon her knees to kiss her hand almost as one who worships.
"Oh,sister,"she said,"you look like a spirit.It is as if with the earth you had naught to do--as if your eyes saw Heaven itself and Him who reigns there."The lovely orbs of Clorinda shone more still like the great star of morning.
"Sister Anne,"she said,laying her hand on her white breast,"at times I think that I must almost be a spirit,I feel such heavenly joy.It is as if He whom you believe in,and who can forgive and wipe out sins,has forgiven me,and has granted it to me,that I may begin my poor life again.Ah!I will make it better;I will try to make it as near an angel's life as a woman can;and I will do no wrong,but only good;and I will believe,and pray every day upon my knees--and all my prayers will be that I may so live that my dear lord--my Gerald--could forgive me all that I have ever done--and seeing my soul,would know me worthy of him.Oh!we are strange things,we human creatures,Anne,"with a tremulous smile;"we do not believe until we want a thing,and feel that we shall die if 'tis not granted to us;and then we kneel and kneel and believe,because we MUST have somewhat to ask help from.""But all help has been given to you,"poor tender Anne said,kissing her hand again;"and I will pray,I will pray--""Ay,pray,Anne,pray with all thy soul,"Clorinda answered;"I need thy praying--and thou didst believe always,and have asked so little that has been given thee.""Thou wast given me,sister,"said Anne."Thou hast given me a home and kindness such as I never dared to hope;thou hast been like a great star to me--I have had none other,and I thank Heaven on my knees each night for the brightness my star has shed on me.""Poor Anne,dear Anne!"Clorinda said,laying her arms about her and kissing her."Pray for thy star,good,tender Anne,that its light may not be quenched."Then with a sudden movement her hand was pressed upon her bosom again."Ah,Anne,"she cried,and in the music of her voice,agony itself was ringing--"Anne,there is but one thing on this earth God rules over--but one thing that belongs--BELONGS to me;and 'tis Gerald Mertoun--and he is mine and SHALL not be taken from me,for he is a part of me,and I a part of him!""He will not be,"said Anne--"he will not.""He cannot,"Clorinda answered--"he shall not!'Twould not be human."She drew a long breath and was calm again.
"Did it reach your ears,"she said,reclasping a band of jewels on her arm,"that John Oxon had been offered a place in a foreign Court,and that 'twas said he would soon leave England?""I heard some rumour of it,"Anne answered,her emotion getting the better of her usual discreet speech."God grant it may be true!""Ay!"said Clorinda,"would God that he were gone!"But that he was not,for when she entered the assembly that night he was standing near the door as though he lay in waiting for her,and his eyes met hers with a leaping gleam,which was a thing of such exultation that to encounter it was like having a knife thrust deep into her side and through and through it,for she knew full well that he could not wear such a look unless he had some strength of which she knew not.