Lesson 3

1. A. Its similarities to previous architecture.
B. Its impressive and distinctive features.
C. Methods used in its construction.
D. How it has preserved for later generations.
2. A. Public market days.
B. Races and sporting events.
C. Processions of priests.
D. Speeches by politicians.
3. A. It was removed by an invading army.
B. It broke off when part of the hall collapsed.
C. It was cut away to let banners pass through the entrance.
D. It was later used in building another temple.
4. A. Its lighting.
B. Its sound quality.
C. Its air circulation.
D. Its stability in an earthquake.
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. A
Listen to part of a discussion between two students who are in the same history of architecture class.
W: So what did you think about that ancient Egyptian temple that the professor talked about in class today?
M: The temple at Carnec?
W: Aha.
M: Oh, pretty amazing: so grand and magnificent with all those cleverly thought-out features.
W: Well, sure. After all the temple was built to honor the ruler and those ancient Egyptian rulers were viewed as Gods after their death.
M: Oh, I know. But like that whole Heavenly Avenue of Reins leading up to the temple, I mean, that role way with all those statues of sacrificial animals along both sides? All that seems perfectly designed for the grand religious procession they often had there, and a huge stone over the entrance of the temple. The way was cut away.
W: Yeah! That was clever. How they just cut away part of that stone, so that priests in those big processions could pass through the entrance underneath, even with all the tall banners they'd be carrying in and out of the temple.
M: Right. And how about the inside of the temple, in that great hall?
W: You mean the columns?
M: Yeah.
W: Those columns were really amazing. I mean, like how many were there? A hundred? And each one with images of Gods and kings cut into it in surface to tell stories of their great deeds.
M: Well, they were all pretty awesome. But I particularly meant the columns down the center aisle of the hall, the ones that were so much taller than all the others so that they raise the center of the roof a lot higher than roofs on either side.
W: Oh, yeah, those! What a brilliant solution for letting natural light down into the middle of the great hall. Man, some of those architects must have been really creative.
Q: 1. What aspect of the temple of Carnec do the speakers mainly discuss?
2. According to the discussion, what was the Avenue of Reins often used for?
3. Why is part of the stone over the entrance to the temple missing?
4. According to the conversation, what aspect of the great hall was improved by raising part of its roof?
1. What must Greeks do to keep the dead resting in ever-lasting peace? 计时1分钟,回答开始…
2. Why are most dead bodies in Amphons dug up after three years? 计时1分钟,回答开始…
3. What suggestions does the church give about the burying of the dead bodies? 计时1分钟,回答开始…
In Greece, only rich people will rest in peace for ever when they die. Most of the population, however, will be undisturbed for only three years, then they will be dug up, washed, compressed into a small tin box, and placed in a bone room. If the body has only partially decayed, it is reburied in a smaller cheaper grave, but not for long, the body will be dug up again some time later when it has fully decayed.(1)Buying a piece of land for a grave is the only way to avoid this process. The cost of the grave is so great that most people choose to rent a grave for three years and even after being dug up, lasting peace is still not guaranteed. If no one pays for renting space in the bone room, the skeleton is removed and stored in a building in a poor part of the town.(2)Lack of space in Amphons is the main reason why the dead are dug up after three years. The city is so overcrowded that sometimes dead bodies are kept in hospitals for over a week until a grave is found. Amphons City Council wants to introduce cremation that is burning the dead bodies as a means of dealing with the problem. But the Greek Church resists this practice, they believe the only place where people burn is in hell, so burning dead bodies is against the Greek concept of life after death.(3)To save space, the church suggested burying the dead bodies standing up instead of lying down. Some people proposed building multi-storey underground graveyards.
1. Buying a piece of land for a grave _____________________________.
2. Lack of space in Amphons is the main reason _________________________________.
3. _____________________________ burying the bodies standing up_________________.
1. ____________________________ is the only way to avoid this process.
2. ____________________________________ why the dead are dug up after three years.
3. To save space, the church suggested ________________________ instead of lying down.
* preserve
to save something or someone from being harmed or destroyed
* reserve
to arrange for a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane etc. to be kept for you to use at a particular time in the future
* conserve
to use something very carefully so that you will have enough for the future

We must encourage the planting of new trees and preserve(保存为现有状态,使不受损坏)our existing woodlands.
Try and rest frequently to conserve(保存、储备为以后使用)your energy.
Do you have to reserve(预订)tickets in advance?
* reconstruct
to build something again after it has been damaged
* rebuild
to build something again, after it has been destroyed
* restore
to repair an old building, piece of furniture, or painting etc., so that it is in its original condition

Experts are still working to restore(修葺使恢复原状)the painting.
Much of the city has to be rebuilt(彻底重建)after the 1906 earthquake.
The task ahead is to reconstruct(损坏后修缮)the building.
1. The shy girl felt ______ and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher's questions.
A. amazed
B. awkward
C. curious
D. amused
2. By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can ______ the surroundings.
A. explore
B. expose
C. exploit
D. expand
3. Erik's website contains ______ photographs and hundreds of articles and short videos from his trip around the globe.
A. prosperous
B. gorgeous
C. spacious
D. simultaneous
4. The most ______ technological success in the twentieth century is probably the computer revolution.
A. prominent
B. prosperous
C. solemn
D. prevalent
5. The Christmas tree was decorated with shining ______ such as colored lights and glass balls.
A. ornaments
B. luxuries
C. exhibits
D. complements
6. ______ popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.
A. Subject to
B. Contrary to
C. Familiar to
D. Similar to
7. Teaching students of threshold level is hard work but the effort is very ______.
A. precious
B. rewarding
C. worth
D. challenging
1. 答案:B
A. 惊讶的
B. 尴尬的
C. 好奇的
D. 有趣的
2. 答案:A
A. 探测
B. 使暴露
C. 剥削
D. 膨胀,扩张
3. 答案:B
A. 繁荣的
B. 华丽的,宏伟的
C. 宽敞的
D. 同时发生的
4. 答案:A
A. 卓越的,显著的
B. 繁荣的
C. 庄严的,隆重的
D. 普遍的,流行的
5. 答案:A
A. 装饰;装饰物
B. 奢侈品;奢侈
C. 展览;展览品
D. 补充;补充物
6. 答案:B
A. 屈服
B. 与…相反
C. 对…熟悉
D. 与…相似
7. 答案:B
A. 珍贵的
B. 有回报的
C. 值得的
D. 有挑战性的
临考情境模拟:每题控制在2分钟内,本级测试限时 6 分钟,请把计时器调到6 分钟。计时开始!
1. For the new country to survive, ________ for its people to enjoy prosperity, new economic policies will be required.
A. to name a few
B. let alone
C. not to speak
D. let's say
2. The head of the Museum was _________ and let us actually examine the ancient manuscripts.
A. promising
B. agreeing
C. pleasing
D. obliging
3. The first two stages in the development of civilized man were probably the invention of weapons and the discovery of fire, although nobody knows exactly when he acquired the use of the _________.
A. latter
B. latest
C. later
D. last
1. 答案:B
解析:本题中有两个for短语引导的状语平行结构,在这两个平行结构之间应当用连词或起连词功能的短语来连接。let alone相当于一个连词,表示“更不必说”。
2. 答案:D
A. 有希望的,有前途的
B. 不是形容词,用法错误
C. 令人喜爱的,使人愉快的
D. 乐于助人的,恳切的
3. 答案:A
B. 最近的,最新的
C. 后来
D. 最后的
原文:The city at one time must have been very prosperous.
• 情态动词:情态动词表推测
• 常见结构:S + must + have done/been...
• 写作中何时使用:表示对过去情况的有依据的肯定推测,即判断句中动词(done/been...)曾经发生。
From a heavy gun that was raised, the captain realized that the ship ______(be)a cruiser.
答案:From a heavy gun that was raised, the captain realized that the ship must have been a cruiser.
The Great Wall is the most time consuming, material consuming, and labor intensive construction project in human history. It is the ultimate human construction.
Like a massive sleeping dragon, the Great Wall snakes across China's landscape, rising and falling with the countryside. It's part of the geography of China, and this is totally unique. That's what makes it a wonder of the world.
The person responsible for this great wonder was a powerful emperor named Chin Chu Wong.
The Ancient Chinese territory looked like an irregular map. Seven pieces, and seven kingdoms competed for power, but one of these kingdoms, the Chin kingdom, conquered the other six kingdoms to create what is regarded as the first centralized empire in Chinese history.
Emperor Chin was cruel and ambitious but he knew he could never defeat the ruthless horse-riding warriors to the north—the Mongols. He decided that a wall should be built to prevent those Mongols invading again. So he started the long history of Great Wall building.
And for another 2,000 years Chinese dynasties built walls. In the end a whole network of walls spread across the northern tier of the country. 15 feet across, 21 feet tall and over 4,000 miles in total. In the past, the Great Wall of China served very real, practical needs to defend the country. Now it's regarded as a symbol, the soul of the Chinese nation.
The Great Wall earns the number one spot on our list of the ultimate ten manmade wonders.
S1. Why is the Great Wall considered a wonder of the world?
S2. As the strongest among seven kingdoms, what was Chin kingdom mostly worried about?
S3. What was the function of the Great Wall in ancient times?
S4. In modern times, does the Great Wall have the same function as before?
S5. From what aspect do we say that the Great Wall is not built merely by Chin Chu Wong?
S1. It's the greatest human construction, totally unique.
S2. The ruthless horse-riding warriors to the north.
S3. It protected China from being invaded by foreigners.
S4. No. It has become a symbol of the Chinese nation.
S5. The Great Wall experienced many repair jobs through history.
Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Most people would agree that building represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served.

The Temple of Poseidon 海王波塞冬神殿
建筑位置:It is located almost at the center of the Aegean island.
建筑风格:The Temple of Poseidon is of the Dorian(古希腊中南部,多里安人的)order and it has six columns on its short side and 12 columns on its long side.
建筑历史:The exact date that it was built is uncertain. It claims that it was built around the 6th century B.C.
建筑内的Statue: Although the statues that it once had have been pillaged(掠夺), what remains of Poseidon's statue(estimated to be about 5 meters in height)is the foot of the statue(about 70 centimeters long), which is stored in the Poros Museum.

The Temple of Zeus 宙斯神庙
建筑位置:It is located at Olympia(希腊 Peloponnesus 半岛西部的平原).
建筑历史:It was constructed between 470 and 456 B.C.
建筑风格:The temple stood on a three step stylobate(柱座)with a masonry ramp leading up to the center of the east facade. There were six columns on each facade and thirty-four in the entire colonnade. The temple was constructed of local limestone coated with a fine white stucco and had marble roof tiles.
建筑内的Statue: It is known that the sculptor Pheidias made the giant chryselephantine(用金和象牙做成的)statue of the god for the temple's interior(内部)in the 430s.

Temple of Athena Nike 雅典娜神庙
建筑位置:It is located at Athens, Greece.
建筑历史:The Temple of Athena Nike(goddess of Victory), of about 420 B.C., is the earliest Ionic building on the Acropolis.
建筑风格:Only 11 feet high from the stylobate to the apex of the pediment, it has four columns at the projecting porches at each end. Its elongated shape and small scale befit its position on a high narrow substructure.
建筑内的Statue: The statue of Athena Nike in its cella(内殿)was made of wood and held a pomegranate in the right hand and a helmet in the left. It had no wings, as it was customary for Nike statues of the time.