Part 1 Conversation: Moving to New York

Where are these cities?
Have you been to any of these cities?
What are the things you can usually find in a city?
Talk about your favorite city.
My favorite city is_____because_____.
My favorite city is Vancouver because the scenery is beautiful and the food is great. The people are also very nice.

Vocabulary Exercises
I. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word, pluralizing the word or changing the verb tense if necessary.
fair promotion even point optimistic couple incredible bustling nearby
musical whenever sophisticated friendly chef spirit
1. How can you be so_____in such a bad situation?
2. My uncle is a_____and owns a restaurant in Sydney.
3. A new shop just opened up_____. Want to go have a look?
4. That film is_____. You need to go see it right away!
5. You will see a lot of_____people in cities like Paris and Milan.
6. We can leave_____you are ready.
7. Dan will need to work a_____extra hours tonight to finish his work.
8. Thanks to all of his hard work, Carl got a_____.
9. The mall is always_____around Christmas time.
10. I don’t like Charlie much. He isn’t very_____.
II. Match the word with its Chinese definition.


I. Listen to the parts of a conversation and fill in the blanks.U6-C-P1
1. I don’t want to move to a big_____. I’ve never even left our small town. How will I adjust to life in that kind of_____?
2. I see your point, but you need to be optimistic. I went to_____a couple of years ago. It’s incredible! Times Square is this bustling place. And Broadway is_____. Just think, you can see musicals whenever you like! And Fifth Avenue, the galleries...
3. But New York is a city of opportunity. You can do almost_____you want there! You want to be a_____, right? There’s no better place to do that!
II. Listen to the conversation, then select the correct answer from the choices.U6-C-P2
1. What are Jessica and Evan talking about?
a) Evan is moving to New York.
b) Jessica wants to go study in New York.
c) They are about to start their senior year.
d) Evan’s dad got a promotion.
2. How does Jessica feel about Evan’s situation?
a) She is upset that Evan is leaving.
b) She is excited to go to New York.
c) She thinks it’s great for Evan.
d) She thinks New York is a great place to study.
3. Why is Evan nervous about New York? Select 2 answers.
a) He doesn’t think he can adjust to living in a big city.
b) He is worried that he won’t do well in school.
c) He doesn’t like musicals or galleries.
d) He is afraid he won’t be able to make friends.
4. What does Jessica not say about New York?
a) New York is the city of opportunity.
b) New York has the best universities.
c) Evan can see Broadway musicals whenever he wants to.
d) New York has galleries.
5. What does Jessica say to reassure Evan?
a) that she will go visit him in New York
b) that she may go to university in New York
c) that she would like to be a chef in New York
d) that Evan can leave New York if he doesn’t like it
Speaking practice
Practice the dialogue below with a partner.
Moving to New York
Jessica: Hey Evan!
Evan: Hey! How have you been?
Jessica: Good. How about you?
Evan: Well…my parents just told me that we’re moving.
Jessica: Are you serious? But we’re about to start our senior year…
Evan: I know. I told them it’s not fair, but my dad got a promotion.
Jessica: Well… where are you moving to?
Evan: New York.
Jessica: No way! That’s actually pretty cool… don’t you think?
Evan: No. I don’t want to move to a big city. I’ve never even left our small town. How will I adjust to life in that kind of place?
Jessica: I see your point, but you need to be optimistic. I went to New York a couple of years ago. It’s incredible! Times Square is this bustling place. And Broadway is nearby. Just think, you can see musicals whenever you like! And Fifth Avenue, the galleries…
Evan: But my friends and family are here. This is the life I know. What if I can’t make friends? What if everyone is more sophisticated than me, or they aren’t friendly?
Jessica: But New York is a city of opportunity. You can do almost anything you want there! You want to be a chef, right? There’s no better place to do that!
Evan: That’s a good point. Maybe this isn’t such a bad thing.
Jessica: That’s the spirit. And actually, I’m looking at universities in New York. You might have a friend there very soon!
Evan: I feel much better. Thanks!
Jessica: You’re welcome!
Functional Vocabulary

Pronunciation Point & Exercises
“Y” is a consonant
The vowels in English are “A, E, I, O, U”. “Y” is also used as a vowel sometimes. We can tell if “Y” is a consonant or vowel by where it is in a syllable.
“Y” is a consonant when it is the first letter in a syllable.U6-P
|be| |yond|
|ka| |yak|
“Y” is a vowel when it is anywhere else in a syllable.
|plen| |ty|
|ty| |pi| |cal|
|cy| |cle|
|hap| |py|
|ty| |pe|
I. The pronunciation of “Y” as a vowel has 3 different sounds. Listen to and read the followingwords:U6-P-P1

II. Listen to the following words and decide whether the “Y” sound is a consonant or a vowel.U6-P-P2
1. consonant vowel
2. consonant vowel
3. consonant vowel
4. consonant vowel
5. consonant vowel
6. consonant vowel
7. consonant vowel
8. consonant vowel
III. Listen to the recording and circle the “Y” vowel sound you hear.U6-P-P3
1. /aɪ/ /ɪ/ /iː/
2. /aɪ/ /ɪ/ /iː/
3. /aɪ/ /ɪ/ /iː/
4. /aɪ/ /ɪ/ /iː/
5. /aɪ/ /ɪ/ /iː/
6. /aɪ/ /ɪ/ /iː/
7. /aɪ/ /ɪ/ /iː/
8. /aɪ/ /ɪ/ /iː/
IV. 1) Listen to the recording and sort the words into the categories below.U6-P-P4
fly dry myth energy pretty mystery try country gym very shy
fry oxygen symbol

2) Practice reading the words above with a partner.