Lesson Five
Key phrases & Expressions 关键短语和表达方式:
aware of 意识到,明白,知道,注意到
back up 复制备份,证实,支持(某人某事),倒车,后退
based on 以……为基础,以……为根据
be certain(for certain)肯定,确定,毫无疑问(确定,无疑)
What do you want to know?
——I'm just arriving in UK,so I'm not aware of the health care allowance in UK.Would you please tell me about it briefly?
Are you aware of the job tasks?
——Your recruitment ad says the candidate should have good command of Spanish reading and writing abilities.Would you please give me more details?
By the way,when do the shops close usually?I have a foreign friend who will be here soon.She wants me to accompany her with shopping,but I'm not aware of the opening and closing times of shops.
——Usually,shops open everyday from 9 a.m.To 5 p.m.,but on Sundays,they will open from 10 a.m.To 4 p.m.You'd better go shopping during that period.
He's welcomed in his circle of friends.
——That's because he is rich.Besides,he always backs up his friends financially.
Is there special download software?
——Yes.Netants is very popular.Its outstanding feature is that it backs up resuming from breakpoint and multi-point connections.
Anything else that was different in France?
——Yeah,the French people also tend to stand a lot closer to you when they talk.The space bubble around you is a bit smaller.I had to be careful not to subconsciously back up when people get closer than I'm used to,because people might interpret it to mean you don't like them.
What will I have to do for the finals?
——There will be eight papers in all during June and these will be based on work done throughout the entire course.It's hard and a stressful time but students usually cope with it.Anything else?
Bollywood movies are usually musicals,based on love stories,with male and female leading actors.There's a lot of dancing too.
——Well,that does sound different!Can you give me some more information please.
Many styles of Kung Fu are based on the ideas of nature.Ancient boxing masters often developed their fighting techniques by observing the world around them.
——Yes,animals,birds,and insects provided the basis for many systems of Kung Fu developed in the past.
How could I improve listening level within a week.I'm certain I will fail my English test.
——Why are you so pessimistic,just try to make efforts.You will OK.Practice makes perfect,you know.
We are certain these goods were damaged on the way of transportation.
——Yes,I suggest you lodge a claim against the shipping company.
Would it be too much to ask you to respond to my question by this Wednesday?
——I can't say for certain off-hand.I've got to report back to the head office.
We've been living here for ten years and it's really an old building now.
——That's for certain.We need to upgrade the heat,the ventilation and the air-con.
Notes to the text 课文注释:
the health-care allowance医保津贴;recruitment ad招聘广告;candidate应聘人,候选人;to have good command of充分掌握;circle of friends朋友圈;financially从资金上;netants网络蚂蚁;outstanding feature突出的特性;to resume from breakpoint and multipoint connections支持恢复断点和多点连接;breakpoint断点;connection连接;to stand a lot closer to you when they talk他们对你讲话时跟你站得很近;the space bubble around you你身边的空间气场;space空间,宇宙;bubble气泡;I had to be careful not to subcon-sciously(下意识地)back up when people get closer than I'm used to当别人挨得比我习惯上还近时,我就要特别小心,不要下意识地后退;people might interpret it to mean you don't like them别人会理解(解释)为你是讨厌他们;to interpret解释,理解,翻译;finals期终考,毕业考;in all总共;the entire course整个课程;it's hard and a stressful time这可是最困难,压力最大的时刻;to cope with应付,处理;bollywood moves(印度)宝莱坞电影;musicals音乐剧,歌舞片;male and female leading actors男女演员;Styles of Kung Fu功夫的招式;the ideas of nature对自然界的想象;boxing master拳师;to observe the world around them观察周围的世界;to observe观察;to provide the basis for提供了基础;to fail失败,不及格;practice makes perfect熟能生巧;on the way of transportation在运输途中;to lodge(投诉,上诉)a claim against the shipping company向运输公司投诉;to respond to my question回答我的问题;off-hand随随便便,不在乎;head office总公司;to upgrade the heat,ventilation and the air-con把取暖、通风和空调升级;to upgrade升级
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
通常(normally)我都会在星期天到伦敦的商业区(downtown area)购物,如果你不知道店铺开门和关门的时间,你可以上网搜寻。据我所知,通常,商业区的商店每天早上9点开门,5点关门。但是,星期天的营业时间(business hours)与中国的不同。在中国,星期天的营业时间要长得多,商店开门早,关门迟。但英国的商店,星期天开门的时间是从上午10点到下午4点,你最好在那段时间去购物。
印度宝莱坞电影的产量(output)仅次于美国的好莱坞。宝莱坞的电影不仅在印度、亚洲甚至在全球受到欢迎,宝莱坞的电影通常都是音乐,它的情节都是基于爱情故事写成。男女主角都很漂亮,他们又唱又跳,带给观众(audience)很多欢乐(fun)。故事的情节一般都有快乐的结局(ending)。因此,很多电影的主题歌(theme song)很快在印度全国流行(to spread)。如果你不会唱,你在印度就落伍了(out of date)。
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
Although most Australian cities are pretty safe,it is still important to be aware of the safety precautions.(预防措施)During the day,at school or college,never leave your handbag(手提包)or wallet(钱包)unattended(不留意),on a desk or in the library or classroom.Most institutions(机构)will warn you about this and although you may think your fellow students are very honest(诚实的)people,there are always individuals you don't know about in public places who may not be able to resist temptation(抵御诱惑).Likewise,always lock your car or bicycle and never leave any valuables(贵重物品)where they can be seen by passers-by(过路人).
The doctor finally completed his examination and spoke to me.He told me that heart trouble is never a minor(次要的)illness,but this wasn't a serious heart attack.He advised losing weight,getting plenty of sleep and eating good meals.Smoking and drinking would be harmful,of course.The doctor said it would be necessary to be careful for a while,but he was confident that there was nothing to worry about.I felt much better after I spoke to the doctor.I was certain that my uncle would be up and around(起床到处走动)again very soon.My uncle is seventy years old now,but he can still live for a long time if he takes good care of himself.