第6章 修辞格的定义
修辞格,也叫做辞格,它是修辞学研究的重心。英语中修辞格一般称作“figure of speech”,也称“rhetoric device”,“figurative language”,“rhetoric skill”,“rhetorical figure”等。
《美国传统英语词典》的定义是:“An expression that uses language in a nonliteral way,such as a metaphor or synecdoche,or in a structured or unusual way,such as anaphora or chiasmus,or that employs sounds,such as alliteration or assonance,to achieve a rhetorical effect.”
《大英简明百科》的定义是:“Form of expression used to convey meaning or heighten effect,often by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has a meaning or connotation familiar to the reader or listener.An integral part of language,figures of speech are found in oral literature as well as in polished poetry and prose and in everyday speech.Common figures of speech include simile,metaphor,personification,hyperbole,irony,alliteration,onomatopoeia,and puns.”
《哥伦比亚百科全书》的定义是:“Intentional departure from straightforward,literal use of language for the purpose of clarity,emphasis,or freshness of expression.See separate articles on antithesis; apostrophe; conceit;hyperbole; irony; litotes; metaphor; metonymy; paradox; personification;simile; and synecdoche.”
《韦氏词典》的定义是:“A form of expression(as a simile or metaphor)used to convey meaning or heighten effect often by comparing or identifying one thing with another that has a meaning or connotation familiar to the reader or listener.”
维基百科(Wikipedia)给出的定义是:“A figure of speech is a use of a word that diverges from its normal meaning,or a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words in it such as a metaphor,simile,or personification.Figures of speech often provide emphasis,freshness of expression,or clarity.However,clarity may also suffer from their use,as any figure of speech introduces an ambiguity between literal and figurative interpretation.A figure of speech is sometimes called a rhetoric or a locution.”