1.4 对TOEFL iBT口语考试评分标准的理解
Familiarize yourself with the scoring rubric.It will help you understand how responses are evaluated.
Both scoring rubrics,the Independent Scoring Rubric and the Integrated Scoring Rubric,define the key characteristics of responses in terms of three important dimensions:delivery,language use,and topic development.When raters evaluate responses,they consider all three dimensions equally.No one dimension is weighted more heavily than another.
Your responses will be scored holistically.This means that the rater will listen for various features in your response and assign a single score based on the overall skill you display in your answer.Although scoring criteria vary somewhat depending on the question,the raters will generally be listening for the following features in your answer:
※Delivery:How clear your speech is.Good responses are those in which the speech is fluid and clear,with good pronunciation,natural pacing,and natural-sounding intonation patterns.
※Language Use:How effectively you use grammar and vocabulary to convey your ideas.Raters will be listening for how well you can control both basic and more complex language structures and use appropriate vocabulary.
※Topic Development:How fully you answer the question and how coherently you present your ideas.Good responses generally use all or most of the time allotted,and the relationship between ideas and the progression from one idea to the next is clear and easy to follow.
It is important to note that raters do not expect your response to be perfect,and high scoring responses may contain occasional errors and minor lapses.After all the six tasks are rated,the scores of the ratings are totaled.
The sum of the scores is statistically converted to a scaled score of 0 to 30.