7 Immunity
The basis for the view that immunity is enjoyed by Heads of State, Heads of Government and ministers for foreign affairs is the fact that their functions include representing the State in international relations, a function that, it should be borne in mind, is based on international law and performed automatically, without the need for any express authorization by the State that they represent. In essence, their function is to represent the State under its political and administrative model and its domestic law, which, in their respective States, sets the requirements for the post of Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs. It is a representational function which international law attributes to these offices, independently of a State's domestic law, the sole function of which is to establish a homogeneous hierarchical model for representation of the State within the international community as a whole, and which promotes and facilitates the maintenance of international relations. It is precisely this automatic representational nature, based on international law, which explains the status that is granted to these three State officials within the framework of international law as a whole and which is also recognized in the context of immunity from foreign criminal jurisdiction.
[52]express是形容词,意为definitely stated, not merely implied(即“明示”)。例如Students are not allowed to leave the grounds during school hours unless they have express permission from the principal's office.(没有校长办公室的明示许可,学生在学校授课时间内不得离校。)
[53]under的译法过于拘泥字面。此处的under意为subject to the authority, control, guidance, or instruction of,译成“根据”更加确切一些。其他例子如:
• The country is now under martial law. 该国目前由军法统治。
• Under the terms of the agreement, our company will receive 40% of the profits.根据协议条款,本公司将得到利润的40%。
• The boy is considered a minor under British law.根据英国法律,这个男孩被视为未成年人。
In essence, their function is to represent the State under its political and administrative model and its domestic law, which, in their respective States, sets the requirements for the post of Head of State, Head of Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs.
原文里的which从句只修饰前面的domestic law,而与political and administrative model无关。无论根据语法还是根据常识,我们都可做出这一判断。从语法角度来看,which后面的动词sets为单数形式,而如果从句是用来修饰前面两者,则动词一般用复数形式。根据常识,我们也知道,只有国内法才可规定职务要求。
[55]offices是指“职务”(即a position of authority, trust, or service, typically one of a public nature),译成“办公室”不仅文字不通,而且意思也不对。类似的例子如He assumed the office of mayor.(他就任市长。)
[56]independently of的译法紧贴字面,却未能清楚反映实际意思。该词组在这里意为not influenced or controlled in any way by other people, events, or things或without regard to或irrespective of,译成“不受……影响”要确切得多。其他例子如:
• Independently of what you may think, I have my own convictions. 不管你怎么想,我有自己的信念。
• They all submitted the same proposals, quite independent of each other.他们没有相互商量过,却都提交了相同的建议。
[57]the sole function of which中的which是指representational function;function在这里为“功用”之意,译成“职能”不妥;hierarchical虽有“等级”的意思,但在此处重点不在于“等级”,而是表示“结构”。
[58]对于It is precisely this automatic representational nature, based on international law, which explains the status...,原译文又是亦步亦趋,紧贴字面,但译文的意思很不清楚(“解释了……地位”)。其实explains在这里并不是“解释”(make something clear or easy to understand),而是“说明原因”(give the reason for or cause of)。
短文 虚词的处理
英语里有一些词语本身在句中没有实际含义,主要作用是辅助造句。比如,fact经常起引导同位语从句的作用,全部信息要素均包含于同位语从句之中(当然,fact不引导同位语时是有实际意义的,比如It's a fact known to all.)。对于这类辅助词,我们没有必要硬译。
【例1】 The basis for the view that immunity is enjoyed by Heads of State, Heads of Government and ministers for foreign affairs is the fact that their functions include representing the State in international relations.
the fact在句中不是具有实际含义的词语,其功用是引导一个从句,具有句法用途,但没有表意的功用。在这种情况下不一定非要译出不可。当然在本句里,由于句子不算太长,译出来似乎也无伤大雅。
【例2】 We appreciate the fact that the technology used by the monitoring system can be applied to the analysis of natural phenomena in order to prevent natural disasters caused by seismic or volcanic activity or tsunamis.
如果说the fact在前例里译出来无伤大雅,在本例里硬塞入“这一事实”实在是画蛇添足。省略是上策,这句话可译成“监测系统所使用的技术可用于分析自然现象,以防止地震、火山爆发和海啸引起的自然灾害。我们对此表示赞赏。”
【例3】 The Committee welcomes the fact that a high number of States parties have accepted this new procedure aiming at assisting States parties to fulfil their reporting obligations.
与前例一样,硬译the fact毫无必要。译文可改成“新程序的目的是帮助缔约国履行其报告义务。很多缔约国已接受这一新程序。委员会对此表示欢迎。”
【例4】 Draft guideline 4.5.4 set out a logical and inescapable consequence of the very principle of the nullity of invalid reservations, namely that the fact that such reservations were devoid of any effect did not depend on the reactions of other States or international organizations.
译文里“设置了……后果”的说法有问题,但the fact一词的翻译似乎还算可以过关。对于这类细节问题,我们需要具体情况具体分析,是否保留“事实”两字,主要要看中文表达的需要。不过,我们也完全可以省略the fact。译文可修改如下:“准则草案4.5.4说明了无效保留之所以无效的原则的一个不可避免的逻辑后果,即这种保留的无效性不依赖其他国家或国际组织的反应。”
【例5】 The accusation made in the Kuwaiti letter to the effect that Iraq is interfering in the internal affairs of Kuwait is a pure fabrication.
与the fact一样,不少人一见到to the effect that,就要将其译成“大意是”。其实这也是毫无必要的。这句话可译成“科威特在信中指责伊拉克干涉科威特内政,这纯属捏造。”
【例6】 If a project incurs additional costs to UNOPS that it cannot recover from its clients, UNOPS has to write off any loss.
【例7】 The selection process for chairing any of the subsidiary bodies needed to be formalized.