3.Commonly used Terms in Differentiation of the Six Meridian Patterns
3.1 Cold-induced disease( Shanghan 伤寒):
In a narrow sense it refers to the exogenously contracted diseases mainly caused by cold or wind-cold pathogens; but in a general sense, it covers all exogenously contracted diseases caused by six exogenous pathogens and pestilential pathogens.
3.2 Six meridian patterns( Liujing Bing 六经病):
It contains the disorders of three Yang patterns, i.e., Taiyang, Yangming and Shaoyang, and disorders of three Yin patterns, i.e., Taiyin, Shaoyin and Jueyin. However, the six meridian patterns in Shanghan Lun don’t only refer to the disorders of the twelve regular meridians, but should also be understood as the comprehensively pathological concepts, which refer to the six basic pathological patterns of exogenous diseases in different stages (early, middle and later stages), natures (cold or heat, excess or deficiency) and locations(exterior or interior, involveing the pathological layers from the superficial to the deepest and different Zangfu-organs respectively). Moreover, one of such six meridian patterns may be divided into more concrete syndromes.
3.3 Principal syndrome( Zhuzheng 主证):
The fundamental and representative syndrome among many syndromes of each pattern, usually treated by a basic formula, thus a principal syndrome can be named with its basic formula treating it.
3.4 Concomitant syndrome( Jianzheng 兼证):
A more complicated syndrome consisting of a principal syndrome and one or several symptoms differing in the pathogenesis of the principal syndrome, and each principal syndrome may have several concomitant syndromes.
3.5 Transmuted syndrome( Bianzheng 变证):
A syndrome transformed from a principal syndrome into another syndrome due to delayed or wrong treatment, and thus the principal syndrome has disappeared.
3.6 Deteriorated syndrome( Huaizheng 坏证):
A serious or dangerous transmuted syndrome often caused by wrong treatment, so it can be seen as a special transmuted syndrome with greater severity than the principal one.
3.7 Contraindicated syndrome( Jinji Zheng 禁忌证):
One or several syndromes prohibited for treatment with a basic formula, hence the syndromes would worsen or become dangerous if the formula is used for this syndrome.
3.8 Doubtful-similar syndrome( Nisi Zheng 疑似证):
A syndrome similar to the principal syndrome or a main transmuted syndrome in a part of symptoms but is quite different from it. So it may be easily confused with another similar syndrome in diagnosis.
3.9 Concurrent occurrence of two or three patterns( Hebing 合病):
Two or more patterns appearing simultaneously, initially in the cold-induced disease.
3.10 Amalgamation of two patterns( Bingbing 并病):
One pattern occurring first, followed by another pattern, then both existing simultaneously.
3.11 Affection of both patterns( Lianggan 两感):
Two exteriorly - interiorly related patterns occurring at the beginning of the cold- induced disease.
3.12 Direct attack( Zhizhong 直中):
Exogenous pathogen invading directly into one of three Yin patterns, namely, one of three Yin patterns appearing at the initial stage of the cold-induced disease.
3.13 Sequential transmission( Xunjing Chuan 循经传):
Conventional way of transmission by patterns in cold-induced diseases along with the routine sequence as mentioned in the Neijing, i.e. Taiyang→Yangming →Shaoyang→Taiyin→Shaoyin→Jueyin.
3.14 Skip-over transmission( Yuejing Chuan 越经传):
An unconventional transmission of a pattern skipping over another pattern or more, in the cold-induced disease.
3.15 Transmission from Yang pattern into Yin one( Yangbing Ru yin 阳病入阴):
One of three Yang patterns developing into one of three Yin patterns,usually suggesting aggravation of the disease.
3.16 Transmission from Yin pattern outward Yang one( Yinbing Chu yang 阴病出阳):
One of three Yin patterns transmitting onto one of three Yang patterns, often showing alleviation of the disease.
3.17 Main formula( Zhufang 主方):
The most effective and commonly used prescription for a specific syndrome.