Congratulations on choosing to buy this IELTS speaking test textbook!
Having given more than 3000 IELTS speaking test scores during my time as an examiner, I have gained unique knowledge of how to get a high score. I also know precisely what problems are experienced by students taking the test. Now I want to give you my unique knowledge, so that you can make a good impression on the examiner, and improve your score. I will tell you which advice is good for you to follow.
Seven reasons this book is unique.
1. Authentic test questions and topics
The 63 simulated tests in this book are the nearest you will ever find to real IELTS Speaking tests,and also contains the latest topics of the January 2019 speaking test. It is simple and easy for you and your friends to practice a genuine IELTS test so that you won't be so nervous when you meet the examiner.
2. The most frequent topics
As we all know, the speaking test contains a very wide range of questions. However, in my experience, the topics in this book are the most frequently used by examiners.
3. Focus on Part 3
This book focuses on Part 3 of the speaking test, because it's the most important part. It is more important than Part 2, when you normally speak for 2 minutes, because in Part 3 you normally speak for twice as long, 4-5 minutes. It is more important than Part 1, because the examiner needs to give you your score immediately after you finish the test. Therefore, the examiner will remember your speaking in Part 3 more clearly than Part 1. So it is very important indeed to remember the Part 3 answers in this book, and use them.
4. Natural "native-speaker" English
In order to get a high score in your speaking test you must use English in a natural and flexible way, as native speakers do when speaking normally. You must avoid individual long words used artificially, and in an incorrect context. Unfortunately, many IELTS Speaking books recommend you learn this type of vocabulary. In contrast, in this book, you will find the phrases and idioms you need for a high score, used in a natural and flexible way. These phrases are highlighted in the text and listed after each section. Memorising and using these will help you to raise your score more rapidly than any other technique.
5. Workable 21- day study programme
The easy-to-use 21-day study programme means you can prepare for your test in three weeks by following 21 simple steps. It will help you set up a 21-day goal and achieve something rather than end up with nothing.
6. Unique C.O.F.FE.E.S and I.E.L.T.S question-answering formulas
The unique easy-to-learn COFFEES and IELTS question-answering formulas make it easier than ever before to impress the examiners by providing the variety of answers IELTS requires rather than the usual models that get low scores.
7. Model answers relate to over 300 IELTS Speaking topics
There is information in the text about more than 300 IELTS topics. This means that you will be prepared for any question the examiner could ask.
Try your best. Wish you great success!
Angus Cargill
Dec. 2018