5.2 Design Elements
5.2.1 Real-time database sub-system shall be capable of automatically acquiring,storing and processing plant process data,and shall be provided with the following functions:
1 Provide automatic data acquisition function as well as manual data input.
2 Provide open and standard data storage service.
3 Provide data reconciliation,monitoring,integration,issuing and query functions,and etc.
4 Provide standard interface for relational database.
5 Provide system self-health monitoring function.
6 Provide basic desktop applications.
7 Support redundant configuration.
5.2.2 LIMS sub-system shall be capable of managing lab samples and lab daily affairs,and shall be provided with the following functions:
1 Provide sample test and analysis management based on work flow.
2 Provide automatic data acquisition function,and support manual data entry.
3 Provide standard or special interface for data acquisition.
4 Provide sample data analysis management.
5 Provide report generation and issuing management.
6 Manage daily lab affairs,including operation,material,standard solution,equipment,staff and archives management.
7 Provide lab data archive and backup management.
8 Provide interfaces for integrating with other systems.
5.2.3 Manufacturing plan optimization sub-system shall use mathematical methods such as linear planning to establish manufacturing scheduling model based on enterprise manufacturing plans,plant models and constraints to perform automatic operation scheduling,generate and optimize annual,quarterly,monthly,tenday or even shorter term manufacturing plans,and shall be provided with the following functions:
1 Build manufacturing scheduling model to generate manufacturing plans for various operation cycles.
2 Provide functions to track,adjust and optimize the manufacturing plans.
3 Provide function to simulate manufacturing plan.
4 Provide operation management,analysis and report generation functions for manufacturing plans.
5 Provide self-learning function.
6 Provide interfaces for integrating with other systems.
5.2.4 Manufacturing scheduling sub-system shall be designed with main functions such as crude and raw material supplies,plant operation,oil product blending and finished product export,and shall be provided with the following functions:
1 Provide functions to schedule and optimize raw material supply,plant operation,material movement,tank farm management,finished product export and utilities consumptions based on manufacturing plans.
2 Provide detailed schedule sheet.
3 Provide functions to monitor operating status of critical equipment,real-time manufacturing costs,and manufacturing performance indicators.
4 Provide operation management,analysis and report generation functions for manufacturing scheduling.
5 Provide interfaces for integrating with other systems.
5.2.5 Material balance sub-system shall include material balance models for process units and the entire plant,and shall be provided with the following functions:
1 Build material balance models for material balance calculation based on manufacturing,inventory,material movement and utilities generation and consumption data.
2 Correct the original data collected from each manufacturing process.
3 Provide functions for report customizing and issuing,and information querying.
4 Provide interfaces for integrating with other systems.
5.2.6 Manufacturing statistical analysis sub-system shall gather statistics and analyze manufacturing process data,manufacturing plan data and historical data,and shall be provided with the following functions:
1 Provide functions to track,gather statistics and analyze the manufacturing process based on material balance and capacity balance,and assess the operating status of process units per performance indicators.
2 Provide monitoring,alarm and fault diagnosis functions for critical process flows and record critical information,and analyze the deviations between actual operation and planned indicators in manufacturing process.
3 Provide functions to calculate manufacturing cost.
4 Provide statistical reports reflecting status of plant operation.
5 Provide interfaces for integrating with other systems.
6 Provide visualized presentation tools to show analysis results in a direct way for supporting the people of top management in enterprise to make overall management decisions.
5.2.7 Material movement sub-system shall properly plan,execute,monitor and manage plant material movements,and shall be provided with the following functions:
1 Provide metering information of raw material import and finished product export functions at the fence of plant.
2 Provide functions to obtain the information for tank farms and warehouses in the ways of automatic or manual acquisition.It shall be based on the automation systems provided in tank farms and warehouses to manage material movements.
3 Provide acquisition,track and statistical functions for material movement to/from process units to manage materials in process units.
4 Provide functions to manage the metering activities,metering ledgers and regulatory metering data.
5 Provide functions to build material movement models,optimize material movement plans,and generate movement commands.
6 Provide functions to track and monitor the movement status of each material stream.
7 Provide functions for report customizing and issuing,and information querying.
8 Provide interfaces for integrating with other systems.
5.2.8 Operating management sub-system shall consist of operating commands,operating guide,operating supervision,event supervision and operating log,and shall be provided with the following functions:
1 Provide functions to generate operating commands based on manufacturing plan,work plan and current manufacturing activities,and to issue these commands to process units,tank farms,and raw material import and finished product export operations.
2 Provide functions to set up standardized work flow for operating commands,execute operating commands per operating flow,and feedback operating information.
3 Provide functions to monitor the execution results of operating commands and the deviations from targeted values in a real-time manner.
4 Provide functions to detect,record and transfer operation events and to trigger alarms automatically.
5 Provide functions to record critical operating data,issues identified in operations,operating plan and operating information such as shift turnover logs.
6 Provide functions to establish a field mobile operating system based on the requirement for safe manufacturing management and field tour inspection.
5.2.9 Equipment management sub-system shall monitor operating status of equipment,calculate operation load and assess operating status of equipment,and shall be provided with the following functions:
1 Provide functions to monitor operating status of equipment.
2 Provide functions to calculate operation load and assess operating status of equipment.
3 Provide functions for report customizing and issuing,and information querying.
4 Provide interfaces for integrating with other systems.
5.2.10 Energy management sub-system shall collect,balance and manage the generation and consumption data of utilities such as plant-wide water,power,steam and air systems based on the energies required by the process units,and shall be provided with the following functions:
1 Provide functions to build utility energy balance and optimization models for energy balance calculation,and dynamically balance energy and optimize utility manufacturing plan.
2 Provide functions to acquire and correct the generation and consumption data of various utilities.
3 Provide statistical analysis and energy consumption assessment functions.
4 Provide functions to monitor operating performance and drainage and emissions of critical utility equipment.
5 Provide report generation and query functions.
6 Provide interfaces for integrating with other systems.
5.2.11 Performance management sub-system shall calculate,record,and monitor the actual KPIs in manufacturing process and compare with the planned KPIs,and shall be provided with the following functions:
1 Provide functions to set up a performance indicator management system to track and collect the data related to cost in manufacturing process.
2 Provide functions to calculate,record,and monitor actual KPIs,and to compare them with planned KPIs to generate actual KPI reports.
3 Provide cost assessment functions at various levels.
4 Provide functions for report customizing and issuing,and information querying.
5 Provide interfaces for integrating with other systems.
5.2.12 Operator training simulator sub-system shall provide operation training for multi-operating cases such as startup,shutdown,normal operation,abnormal operation,pre-set accidents and their handling,equipment failures and their troubleshooting,and emergency handling,and shall be provided with the following functions:
1 OTS operation functions shall be similar with DCS.
2 Provide functions to dynamically simulate the manufacturing process.
3 Provide functions to assess operator skills.
4 Provide interfaces for integrating with control systems such as DCS.