Drupal 7 Social Networking


Throughout this book we are going to be creating our very own social networking website using Drupal; this website is called DinoSpace! and it is aimed at owners of pet dinosaurs (yes, I know, nobody really owns a pet dinosaur…it would be too expensive and impractical) to interact with one another. In particular the website aims to:

  • Connect owners of pet dinosaurs and allow them to build and maintain friendships with other users
  • Allow owners to share stories about their pets
  • Help promote dinosaur-friendly places to visit
  • Provide interactive help and support to fellow dinosaur owners
  • Allow owners to chart their activities with their dinosaur

Of course the website needs to enable more than just user to user interactions; it also needs to provide other content, and allow communication between us, the managers of the website, and our users to keep them up to date.