The official ESP32 development kit
In general, Espressif provides an ESP32 development kit board that we can use directly. We don't need to take any effort to make a PCB board and do soldering of the ESP32 chip. A list of ESP32 boards from Espressif can be found at this link: https://www.espressif.com/en/products/hardware/development-boards. We will review the two ESP32 boards: ESP32-PICO-KIT and ESP-WROVER-KIT boards.
ESP32-PICO-KIT is a basic development board that is small in size. This board fits on breadboard PCB, so you can do wiring on it. The board consists of EPS32 chips such as serial USB CP2102 (version 4.0)/CP2102N (version 4.1). You can connect this board to a computer through USB.
ESP-WROVER-KIT is a complete development board. This consists of various sensors and modules. The board uses ESP32-WROVER for ESP32 board implementation. The following are the main features from ESP-WROVER-KIT:
- JTAG interface on FT2232HL
- Camera connector
- I/O connector
- Micro SD card slot
A form of ESP-WROVER-KIT can be seen in this photo: