Target specification
Nmap provides multiple target specification options with which a user can mention subnets, individual IPs, IP ranges, and IP lists to be scanned. This will allow the user to scan specific hosts identified from the host discovery.
A sample complete syntax of Nmap is as follows:
Nmap -sS -sV -PN -T4 -oA testsmtp -p T:25 -v -r 192.168.1.*
As per the user requirements, once the required options and arguments are provided, the user can perform the scan and obtain the output. We will look at recipes on how to perform network scans using Nmap in the next chapter.
As a part of this chapter, we will be covering recipes on how to choose the correct software version for both Nmap and Nessus, along with their installation and removal. These recipes are to help a new audience understand the requirements, as well as how they change from platform to platform.