Chapter 1. Introducing Mesos
Apache Mesos is open source, distributed cluster management software that came out of AMPLab, UC Berkeley in 2011. It abstracts CPU, memory, storage, and other computer resources away from machines (physical or virtual), enabling fault-tolerant and elastic distributed systems to be easily built and run effectively. It is referred to as a metascheduler (scheduler of schedulers) and a "distributed systems kernel/distributed datacenter OS".
It improves resource utilization, simplifies system administration, and supports a wide variety of distributed applications that can be deployed by leveraging its pluggable architecture. It is scalable and efficient and provides a host of features, such as resource isolation and high availability, which, along with a strong and vibrant open source community, makes this one of the most exciting projects.
We will cover the following topics in this chapter:
- Introduction to the datacenter OS and architecture of Mesos
- Introduction to frameworks
- Attributes, resources and resource scheduling, allocation, and isolation
- Monitoring and APIs provided by Mesos
- Mesos in production