Part 1的体验是什么?
IELTS口语第一部分用剑桥的官方定义来说,是“关于你的背景、爱好、兴趣和习惯的基础问题”。但这听起来也太虚伪了吧?用普通人的话来讲,Part 1(俗称“趴1”或者“趴忘”)的本质就是一个chat,跟考官聊聊你自己的基本情况。所以,Part 1是口试的三个部分里最“欢乐”的一个部分,因为它最贴近考生自己的生活。
从答案长度来看,British Council官方明确指出:Remember to keep your Part 1 answers short and direct(简短的,直接的). In general, your answers in Part 1 should be 2 or 3 sentences. 也就是说:Part 1的答案并不需要“迂回曲折”,平均每道题回答2~3句话,并且做到流利、自然,就已经很好了。如果您有“滔滔不绝”地回答考官提问的热情,请把它留给Part 3的深入讨论。
下面都是《剑14》给出的Part 1真题:
◆ How much travelling do you hope to do in the future? [Why?/Why not?]
◆ How much time do you spend on social media websites? [Why?/Why not?]
◆ Is there anything you don't like about social media? [Why?/Why not?]
◆ How do you think your life will change in the future? [Why?/Why not?]
◆ Do you think you are a good neighbour? [Why?/Why not?]
◆ How often do you see your neighbours? [Why?]
◆ Do you invite your neighbours to your home? [Why?/Why not?]