第7章 菲狄亚斯之后
Perhaps the best known of all statues in the world is that of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. The sculpture was found on the Greek island of Melos, and so it is called the Venus of Melos, or Venus de Milo.She, too, has a perfect Greek nose.We do not know who the sculptor was, but some people now think that one of the students of Praxiteles must have made it.
In the statue, Venus has no arms, but a great many people have tried to imagine what the arms were doing when she did have them. Some say that she was holding a bronze shield on her knee and looking into its brightly polished surface to see her reflection.People had no glass mirrors at that time.Instead their mirrors were made of shiny metal.Others say she held a lance or something else or nothing at all, but no one is sure.

Venus de Milo was discovered by accident. A man happened to pass by a limekiln on the island of Melos one day and the statue was lying on the
ground near the limekiln.A limekiln is a kind of furnace where stone is burned to turn it into lime.The Greek owner of the limekiln, like a good many people today, saw no beauty in the old broken statue and was about to break it up and put it in the furnace to turn it into lime.The man who happened by in the nick of time did know how valuable the statue was and he bought it.After some time, France got it and placed it in the Louvre Museum in Paris.It is one of that museum’s chief treasures and cannot be bought for any sum of money.
Many believe this statue to be the most beautiful of all women because she is a combination of women who are different ages all at once. She is a young girl, young mother, and mature woman all at the same time.Can you see who's who?
Praxiteles had a friend named Scopas, who also was a sculptor but he liked to make statues that showed people in an emotional state. There are several statues showing the mythological figure Niobe and her children that Scopas may have done, for the statues are the kind he did-they show the emotion of suffering.But some believe Praxiteles did them.Others think the students of one of these two sculptors did them.
The Greek story of Niobe is this:Niobe was the mother of fourteen children-seven boys and seven

girls-of whom she was very proud.But she made the mistake of boasting about them to a goddess who had only two children and that made the goddess jealous.As a punishment, all of Niobe’s children were killed before her eyes.Niobe, with her arms wrapped around her youngest child, is shown trying to shield her from the arrows of the gods.As her last child was killed, the gods, as a great favor, turned Niobe into stone so she wouldn’t suffer any more.
One of the students of Scopas is supposed to have made another very famous statue that we call Winged Victory, or Victory of Samothrace because it was found on the Greek island of Samothrace. The statue was made to celebrate a victory of the Greeks at sea.The statue shows the goddess of victory standing on the prow of a boat with the wind blowing back her robe.Although she has neither head nor arms, you can see in your mind's eye how she must have looked as she stood triumphantly erect, blowing a trumpet and facing the sea breeze.
Have you ever noticed what someone looks like when he is running fast or perhaps riding a bicycle as fast as possible down a long hill?When you look at Winged Victory, you can see her just like that. Her flowing clothes and wings give you a feeling of the wind rushing by.And there is something very unusual too.You can see different parts of her body clearly.Imagine how difficult it is to show that in marble and you will see just why Winged Victory is so famous.
You may wonder why someone has not repaired this Greek statue-that is, brought it back to its original condition by putting a new head and arms on it. As a matter of fact, many sculptors have tried to do so.Of course they were not allowed
to experiment on the original statue, but they made copies and added the missing parts as they supposed those parts must have been.It may seem strange, but every such restoration, as it is called, has been so unsatisfactory that everyone prefers the broken statue instead of a restored one.
I know a little girl who always puts her hand over the illustrations in a book that she loves to read.“Because,”she says,“the picture I see in my mind is so much better than the picture in the book that I don't want the picture I have in my mind spoiled!”Can you picture in your mind how the Winged Victory or the Venus de Milo once looked?
